60' Thrall Double Plug Door Box Car

Prototype Information

The 1960s freight car building boom was fueled by specialty car types. 60’ box cars designed for dense auto parts such as engines, bumpers, axles, and glass were an emerging car type. Thrall Car Manufacturing Incorporated, based in Chicago Heights IL, was a new car builder in the 1960s who had a strong market offering of specialty auto parts box cars. Thrall built its first 60’ auto parts cars in 1963 and utilized welded construction. In 1969, Thrall constructed this modernized Plate C 5880cf design for Ford service with centered, double plug doors, distinctive “double weld” side construction, and “X-Panel” roofs. Twelve railroads initially bought these cars, and these workhorses remained in service into the 2000s, including service in the conspicuity stripe era.

More than 500 Thrall 5880cf box cars were built in 1969, and production included two different underframe/EOC Cushioning variations.

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