Railroad Short Name: BN
Road Number Specific Features:
- Former NP unit
- Passenger service road number
- F9 Unit
- Former GN unit
- Different style roof cooling coil
Locomotive Features:
- All units are powered
- Heavy die-cast frame for greater traction and more pulling power
- DCC-ready features Quick Plug™ plug-and-play technology with both 21-pin connector (DCC-Ready only)
- Factory installed SoundTraxx Tsunami2 sound and DCC decoder (DCC+sound units only)
- Tsunami sounds are compatible with both DCC and DC operation (DCC+sound units only)
- Genesis driveline with balanced five pole skew wound motor and dual flywheels
- Directional constant lighting-featuring LEDs; headlight brightness remains constant
- Scaled from prototype resources including drawings, field measurements, photographs, and more
- Separately applied photo etched metal and injection molded detail parts:
- Cab interior
- Coupler cut levers
- MU and Trainline hoses
- Windshield wipers
- Lift rings
- Wire grab irons
- Sander lines
- Detailed fuel tank with fuel fillers, fuel gauges, breather pipes, and retention tanks
- Body mounted McHenry scale knuckle couplers – Kadee compatible
- All-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth and quiet operation
- All-wheel electrical pickup provides reliable current flow
- Wheels with RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track
- Detailed Blomberg-B trucks with prototype-specific wheel bearings
- Replacement parts available
- Minimum radius: 18”
Sound Features:
- Onboard DCC decoder with SoundTraxx Tsunami2 decoder pre-installed
- Sound units operate in both DC and DCC
- Individual sound boards installed in both A and B units (sound units only)
- All functions NMRA compatible in DCC mode
- Engine, horn, and bell sounds work in DC
- Some functions are limited in DC
- Program a multiple unit (MU) lashup with lead unit only horn, bell, and lights
- Slow speed control
- Many functions can be altered via Configuration Value (CV) changes
- CV chart included in the box
- Lighting effects such as beacons and Gyralight where prototypically accurate
- A and B units often include sound decoders with different default pitch shift, so MU lashups sound unique
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