Railroad Short Name: UP
Locomotive Features
- Front tall snowplow
- Front trainline hose with drop elbow and rear trainline hose
- 81″ low nose with ratchet braket
- Standard early 4-window cab with louvers and no roof seam
- Riveted cab side without arm rest
- Canvas sunshades
- Rectangular cab vent
- Leslie S3L air horn with angled mounting bracket
- Firecracker antenna
- Intermediate inertial air intake grilles
- Early extended range dynamic brake
- Early flush exhaust
- 3,600 gallon fuel tank
- Silver painted Blomberg-M trucks
- Era: Mid 1970s+
- Phase Iaa: close radiator fan spacing; chickenwire grilles
- MU hoses
- Front and rear drop steps
- Deck mount MU stand with single receptacle
- Early battery box doors
- Cab mounted dual sealed beam headlight with glare shield unless noted
- Early ECAFB
- Standard ribbed blower housing
- Standard raised exhaust unless noted
- Curved radiator fan grab iron
- Short walkway duct extension
- Frame mounted bell unless noted
- Salem air filter
- Speed recorder
- Minimum radius: 18″
- Fully-assembled and ready-to-run
- Non-sound models are DCC-ready and features Quick Plug™ plug-and-play technology with both 8- and 9-pin connector
- Scaled from prototype resources including drawings, field measurements, photographs, and more
- Accurately-painted and –printed paint schemes
- Coupler cut levers
- MU hoses
- Trainline hose
- See through cab windows
- Full cab interior
- Standard cabs include sliding windows
- Walkway tread
- Fine-scale Celcon handrails for scale appearance
- See through dynamic brake fans on locomotives equipped with dynamic brakes
- Windshield wipers
- Lift rings
- Wire grab irons
- Detailed fuel tank with fuel fillers, fuel gauges, breather pipes, and retention tanks
- Sander lines
- McHenry scale knuckle couplers – Kadee compatible
- Genesis driveline with 5-pole skew wound motor, precision machined flywheels, and multi-link drivetrain for trouble free operation
- All-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth and quiet operation
- All-wheel electrical pickup provides reliable current flow
- Wheels with RP25 contours operate on Code 70, 83, and 100 rail
- Incandescent bulbs for realistic appearance
- Bidirectional constant lighting so headlight brightness remains constant
- Heavy die-cast frame for greater traction and more pulling power
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