Railroad Short Name: CP
CPR Features:
#8487 & 8495:
- Earlier scheme with block lettering. No steam generator. Standard air tanks & skirts.
- Passenger service
- Phase Ia
- Footboards with slotted steps
- “Pipe” handrail stanchions
- Inward railing bend at ends
- Front as-built Pyle-National “barrel” headlights
- Forward radiator intake grilles include striping trim
- Steam generator intake
- “Peacock” hand brake stand with brake wheel
- Rooftop mounted air tanks with cooling coil and piping
- Canadian-style winterization hatch
- CP passenger skirts with slots
- Four hose M.U. clusters with silver glad-hands
- Early coupler cut levers
- Drop step mounted in the vertical position
- Dual early M.U. stand with M.U. and field loop connections
- Slotted cab steps
- Standard battery box doors
- Raised seam and rectangular vent on right side of nose
- Separately applied windshield wipers
- See through cab windows
- Early short hood forward cab interior
- Cab side panel with gutter
- Mirrors/wind deflectors mounted fore of cab side windows
- Nathan K-3 air horn
- Large Sinclair antenna
- 1200+1200 gallon fuel tank
Locomotive Features:
- Trainline and MU hoses
- Coupler cut levers
- Drop steps unless noted
- MU stands
- “Nub” style walkway tread
- Bell placement & type per prototype
- Wire grab irons
- Lift rings
- Windshield wipers
- Sander lines
- Fine-scale handrails for scale appearance
- See through cab windows and full cab interior
- Etched metal radiator intake grilles and fan grilles
- Air tanks mounted below sill unless noted
- Detailed fuel tank with fuel fillers, fuel gauges, breather pipes, and retention tanks
- Blomberg-B trucks with appropriate bearing caps
- Speed recorder unless noted
- Fully-assembled and ready-to-run
- DCC-ready features Quick Plug™ plug-and-play technology with 21-pin NEM connector
- Scaled from prototype resources including drawings, field measurements, photographs, and more
- Accurately-painted and printed paint schemes
- Body mounted McHenry operating scale knuckle couplers
- Genesis driveline with 5-pole skew wound motor, precision machined flywheels, and multi-link drivetrain for trouble free operation
- All-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth and quiet operation
- All-wheel electrical pickup provides reliable current flow
- Wheels with RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track
- Bidirectional constant LED lighting so headlight brightness remains constant
- Heavy die-cast frame for greater traction and more pulling power
- Packaging securely holds the model for safe storage
- Replacement parts available
- Minimum radius: 18”
Sound Features:
- Onboard DCC decoder with SoundTraxx Tsunami2 sound
- Sound units operate in both DC and DCC
- Full DCC functions available when operated in DCC mode
- Engine, horn, and bell sounds work in DC
- All functions NMRA compatible in DCC mode
- Excellent Slow speed control
- Operating lighting functions with F5 and/or F6
- Program a multiple unit (MU) lashup with lead unit only horn, bell, and lights
- Many functions can be altered via Configuration Value (CV) changes
- CV chart included
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