Railroad Short Name: UP
In service from 1963 to 1990s
Used in Road, Wayfreight and Yard Service
Based on units in service from early 1970s to early 1980s with:
- Dynamic Brakes
- Phase II Cab with Headlight & Numberboard
- Brass Leslie S-3L Air Horn and Elevated Horn Stand
- Standard Uncoupling Levers
- MU Hoses
- Operating Western Cullen Rotary Beacon
- Whip Antenna Mast
Locomotives Feature:
- Road-Specific Detailing
- 14:1 Helical Gears for Smooth, Quiet Performance
- Five-Pole Skew-Wound High-Torque High-Efficiency Can Motor
- Heavy Die Cast Metal Underframe
- Low Speed Under 3 Scale MPH
- LED Constant & Directional Headlights
- Easy Multiple Unit Operation
- Metal Grab Irons & Lift Rings
- Factory-Installed SoundTraxx(R) Tsunami(R) Sound for DC or DCC Layouts
- Proto MAX(TM) Metal Knuckle Couplers
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