FA/FB Diesel Locomotive

Prototype Information

The ALCO FA was a family of B-B diesel locomotives designed to haul freight trains. The locomotives were built by a partnership of ALCO and General Electric in Schenectady, New York, between January 1946 and May 1959. Designed by General Electric’s Ray Patten (along with their ALCO PA cousins), they were of a cab unit design; both cab-equipped lead (A unit) FA and cabless booster (B unit) FB models were built. A dual passenger-freight version, the FPA/FPB, was also offered. It was equipped with a steam generator for heating passenger cars.

ALCO’s designation of F marks these locomotives as being geared primarily for freight use, whereas the P designation of the PA sets indicates that they were geared for higher speeds and passenger use. However, beyond this their design was largely similar – aside from the PA/PB’s both being larger A1A-A1A types with an even more striking nose – and many railroads used FA and PA locomotives for both freight and passenger service.

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALCO_FA

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